Tuesday, January 25, 2022


Syndrome (pronounced sin-drohm or sin-druhm)

(1) In pathology and psychiatry, a group of symptoms which together are characteristic of a specific disorder, disease or the like.

(2) A group of related or coincident things, events, actions etc; a predictable, characteristic pattern of behavior, action, etc., that tends to occur under certain circumstances.

1535–1545: From the Medical Latin syndrome (a number of symptoms occurring together), from the Ancient Greek συνδρομή (sundrom) (concurrence of symptoms, concourse of people), from σύνδρομος (súndromos) (literally "running together" and often used in the sense of "place where several roads meet"), the construct being συν- (syn-) (with) + δρόμος (drómos) (a running, course), best understood as syn- + dramein + -ē (the feminine noun suffix).  The meaning, beginning in 1540s medical Latin, is thus derived from the Ancient Greek syndromos (place where several roads meet); the psychological sense emerging only in 1955.  In general use, the synonyms include malady, problem, disorder, ailment, sickness, complaint, sign, complex, infirmity, affection, symptoms, diagnostics & prognostics; in medical use, the term syndrome is something also used loosely but in text books or academic use use is more precise.  Syndrome is a noun and syndromic is an adjective; the noun plural is syndromes.

In medicine, a syndrome is a collection of symptoms (some of which clinicians sometimes classify variously as “definitive” & “indicative”) which often manifest simultaneously and characterize a particular abnormality or condition.  The term is commonly used in medicine and psychology and syndromes can either be codified as diagnosable conditions or just part of casual language to describe aspects of the human condition (such as “Paris Hilton Syndrome” or “Lindsay Lohan Syndrome”).  A syndrome describes patterns of observable symptoms but does not of necessity indicate a condition’s cause or causes.  A syndrome does not need to be widespread or even suffered by more than one patient and a single case is all that is required for a syndrome to be defined; the symptoms need only to be specific.  Diagnosing a syndrome typically involves clinicians identifying the common symptoms and ruling out other possible conditions, something often complicated by the variability in severity and presentation among different individuals, many syndromes being classic examples of “spectrum conditions”.  Like any condition, the course of the treatment regime for a syndrome will focus on (1) managing the symptoms and (2) dealing with the underlying causes when known.


Art inspired by the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 syndrome, created by medical professionals: Outsized, Overwhelming Impact of COVID-19 by Lona Mody.

COVID-19 is a syndrome and the name allocated on 11 February 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.  Although its origin remains most associated with Wuhan in late 2019, it may have been circulating earlier.  An acronym, COVID-19 stands for COronaVIrus Disease-2019 but the original working name for the virus causing the syndrome was 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) which the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) changed to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).  The name is from the standard nomenclature of the discipline, chosen because the virus is a genetic cousin of the coronavirus which caused the SARS syndrome in 2002 (SARS-CoV).  The public tends not to distinguish between virus and syndrome, the popular names being Covid and corona.

Art inspired by the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 syndrome, created by medical professionals: Pipetting the Sample by Ali Al-Nasser.

First discovered in domestic poultry during the 1930s, coronaviruses cause a range of respiratory, gastrointestinal, liver, and neurologic diseases and are common in both humans and animals.  Only seven are known to cause disease in humans, four associated with the common cold; these have the catchy names 229E, OC43, NL63, and HUK1.  The three coronaviruses which cause serious lung infections (related to pneumonia) are SARS-CoV (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) first noted in 2002, MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) which emerged in 2012 and SARS-CoV-2 (the COVID-19 pandemic).

Art inspired by the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 syndrome, created by medical professionals: Naturarte by Angela Araujo.

SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 are zoonotic, beginning in an animal, transmitting, either directly or via another species, to people.  SARS-CoV-2 appears to be a mutated bat virus; bats host thousands of coronavirues and exist with them mostly in symbiotic harmony and it remains unclear whether the virus passed directly from bat to human or via some other creature.  Interestingly, while the nature of the COVID-19 syndrome hasn’t changed, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has mutated and now circulates in many strains, one tending to emerge as the dominant means of transmission in a given geographical area.  The dominance of the mutated strain happened because the mutation made the virus much more infectious so, in a classic example of Darwinian natural selection, the entity able more efficiently to multiply is the one which becomes dominant.  Despite early speculation, the mutation seems not to account for reductions in the COVID-19 death rate, a phenomenon virologists attribute to improved treatment the “harvesting effect”, meaning the virus first kills those easiest to kill.  There was also the effect of many dying early in the pandemic because health systems were overwhelmed and unable to provide the treatment which would have ensured their survival.  This has been noted in past wars, epidemics, pandemics and localized disasters.

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