Collar (pronounced kol-er)
(1) The part of a shirt, coat, dress, blouse, etc that encompasses the neckline of the garment and is sewn permanently to it, often so as to fold or roll over.
(2) A similar but separate, detachable article of clothing worn around the neck or at the neckline of a garment.
(3) Anything worn or placed around the neck.
(4) In law enforcement, a slang term for securing an arrest.
(5) In metalworking, a piece rolled to wrap itself around a roller.
(6) In biology, a marking or structure resembling a collar, such as that found around the necks of some birds.
(7) In engineering, a section of a shaft or rod having a locally increased diameter to provide a bearing seat or a locating ring
(8) In butchery, a cut of meat, especially bacon, from the neck of an animal.
(9) In ancient chivalric orders, a symbol of membership.
(10) In jewelry, an ornament for the neck, a variant of which is the choker.
(11) In rehabilitative medicine, a device worn around the neck to support the head.
(12) In architecture, a variety of beams and ties which are structural elements in roof framing between rafters.
(13) In baseball, a slang term for a player getting no hits in a game.
(14) In plumbing, a type of sleeve used to join two tubes.
(15) In industrial power generation, a piece of hardware used on power transmission devices as a mechanical stop, locating device, or bearing face.
(16) In the profession of the hangman, the knot of the noose (archaic).
(17) In extractive underground mining, a curb or a horizontal timbering around the mouth of a shaft.
(18) In botany, the neck or line of junction between the root of a plant and its stem.
(19) A ring-like part of a mollusk in connection with the esophagus.
(20) In nautical architecture, an eye formed in the bight or bend of a shroud or stay to go over the masthead; also, a rope to which certain parts of rigging, as dead-eyes, are secured.
(21) In financial market jargon, a trading strategy using options in a ways that there exists both an upper limit on profit and a lower limit on loss, constructed through taking equal but opposite positions in put and call options with different strike prices.
From the Middle English coler from
the Anglo-French colier & Old
French coler, derived from the Latin collāre (neckband, collar), the
construct being coll (truncation of collum (neck)) + āre (neuter (as noun) suffix of āris). Ultimate source was the primitive
Indo-European kwol(o) (neck) which entered both the Old
Norse and the Middle Dutch as hals (neck),
literally "that on which the head turns" from the root kwel (move round, turn about).
meaning "border at the neck of a garment” emerged in the fourteenth
century and all meanings since are in some way analogous. Collier
exists in Modern French, again from the Latin; cognate with the Gothic hals, the Old English heals and the Spanish cuello.
Noted for slogans rather than imaginative linguistic flourishes, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison (b 1968; Australian prime-minister since 2018), a confessed meat-eater, was so shocked at the tactics some rabid vegans had used to disrupt the slaughter industry's supply chains, he was moved to describe the protesters, inter alia, as “green-collar criminals”. He’d likely have preferred to label them eco-terrorists and have them locked-up somewhere but may have been advised that might be unlawful or at least hyperbolic. Interestingly the phrase “green-collar crime” is used both to describe some of the actions of activists and the environmental damage against which they’re protesting; it’s not clear which meaning will prevail and it's an amusing if confusing co-existence.
It’s among the most recent of the “collar” words, all variations of the old white-blue collar delineation (except the ecclesiastical dog collar which is from the nineteenth century). Blue collar worker was used first in 1924 to describe the working class, an allusion to the hard-wearing blue denim they stereotypically wore. White-collar worker was coined in the 1930s by US writer Upton Sinclair (1878–1968) in connection with those absorbed in clerical, administrative and managerial functions. Used mostly in economics and sociology, the collars have been handy (if imprecise) definitional shorthand in both academic and other writing.
Blue collar: Originally, a member of the working class who performs manual work and earns either an hourly wage or is paid a piece rate. The labor market in recent decades has changed so much that for economists it may now be a useless or al least misleading term although culturally, it is still of real utility.
White collar: Historically, salaried professionals, office workers and management; ie clean, safe jobs in pleasant physical environments although for many, salaries were low.
Pink collar: Now probably obsolete, it described a member of the working class in the service industry in occupations such as waiters and retail or other roles involving relations with people. Origin of the term was the need to describe the rapidly expanding employment in service industries during the 1990s and its overwhelmingly female demographic. Now treated as sexist, there were suggestions it could morph into something gender-neutral but it didn’t work as well and is now close to extinct although the companion pink collar crime endures and remains a descriptor of white collar crimes committed by women where the loot stolen is of relatively low-value.
Gold collar: A highly skilled multi-disciplinarian who combines the intellectual and practical skills of both white & blue collar employees.
Red collar: Government workers of all types. In China, it refers also to Communist Party officials working in private companies, the implication being they’re placed there for some party purpose; similar in both function and ultimate purpose but different in ideology to the old party commissars.
Grey collar: Skilled technicians, typically someone whose role is a mix of white and blue collar (although some say the distinction between grey and gold is a bit vague; notion is that gold are higher paid than grey). Like gold, grey collar is a recent invention which seems not to have caught on; both may die out.
New collar: Jobs said to require the technical and soft skills needed to work with contemporary technology industry; often associated with a non-traditional education path. Cynics suggest it’s there to describe university drop-outs whose start-ups work out ok.
Happy times in dog collars. Cardinal George Pell (1941-2023, left) with his predecessor as Archbishop of Melbourne, Sir Frank Little (1925–2008, right). Within the Roman Curia (a place of Masonic-like plotting & intrigue and much low skulduggery), Cardinal Pell's nickname was “Pell Pot”, an allusion to Pol Pot (1925–1998, dictator of communist Cambodia 1976-1979) who announced the start of his regime was “Year Zero” and all existing culture and tradition must completely be destroyed and replaced.
Dog collar: Christian clergy (although, technically, only a sub-set of the whole); now rarely seen outside of churches and courtrooms. In the public consciousness, such is the association of the male clergy with pedophilia that the clergy, when out and about, usually do so in disguise (mufti). That's actually not new. One of the (many) reasons Jesuit priests were once so mistrusted was that they tended not to wear clerical garb, claiming the wearing of everyday clothes permitted them to be closer to the people. Actually, it was just a trick so they could spy on them.
No collar: Artists, the precariously employed and others who tend to privilege passion and personal growth over financial gain.
Orange collar: Prison laborers, named for the orange jumpsuits most associated with inmates in the US prison system.
Green collar: Workers in a wide range of professions relating to the environment and renewable energy. Confusingly, green collar crime is used by both sides to describe the actions of their opponents in that activists refer to those accused of causing environmental damage as green collar criminals whereas the slaughter industry uses the same label for the radical vegans who disrupt their production or distribution.
Scarlet collar: Prostitutes and ancillary staff (brothel receptionists et al included in an example of the way the "collar" labels are sometimes applied to industry sectors as well as specific occupations).
Black collar: Originally used to describe manual laborers in jobs when workers habitually become very dirty although it has been extended to those working in the illicit black economy. Of late it’s been applied also to (1) the pro-gun movement in the US, (2) artists who have adopted black clothing by choice and (3) those in insecure, low-paid employment. The meaning may now be too diluted to be of much use.
Virtual collar: Robots performing manual repetitive tasks, both physical and virtual but has been used also to describe the cheap, mobile technology capital uses as a tool of control.
Rainbow collar: Workers in industries which serve or are most identified with the LGBTQQIAAOP community. This was once a largely volunteer movement but increasing has a paid-labor component. The adjectival rainbow, in polite society, has now wholly supplanted pink (eg the earlier pink dollar), partly because of the historical use of pink labels or descriptors by repressive régimes. Pink collar was never linked with the LGBTQQIAAOP community and the earlier lavender collar enjoyed only a brief linguistic career.
Lindsay Lohan in army green, fur-collared jacket over blouse with metal studded collar, New York, March 2014.
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