Sunday, February 7, 2021


Niche (pronounced nĭch (U) or nēsh (Non-U))

(1) In architecture, a cavity, hollow or recess, generally within the thickness of a wall and usually semicircular in plan and arched, for a statue, bust, or other erect ornament; in interior decorating the synonym is nook.

(2) Any similar recess, such as one in a rock face.

(3) Figuratively, any similar position such as (1) a place or position suitable or appropriate for a person or thing or (2) a distinct or specialised segment of a market.

(4) In ecology, the role of a plant or animal within its community and habitat which determines its activities and relationships with other organisms.

(5) In contrast radiography, an eroded or ulcerated area.

(6) In Islam, an arrow woven into a Muslim prayer rug pointing in the direction of Mecca (qibla).

(7) In the funeral industry, as cremation niche; a columbarium.

1605-1615: From the Middle English niche (shallow recess in a wall), probably from the Old & Middle French niche (recess (for a dog), kennel), a back formation from nicher (to make a nest), from the unattested Vulgar Latin nīdiculāre, from the Classical Latin nīdus (nest), the words niche & nicher enduring in Modern French.  Niche was a doublet of nidus and nide via the Latin and the related nest via the primitive Indo-European and was related also to nyas.  Some etymologists are not convinced by the notion of a direct Latin root and trace the French niche (recess (for a dog), kennel) to a fourteenth century borrowing from the Italian nicchia (niche, nook) derived from nicchio (seashell).  The dissidents note the link to the Latin mitulus (mussel) but also the lack of any documentary evidence for the change of -m- to -n-.  The origin in the Old French noun derived from nichier is said to come via the Gallo-Romance nidicare from Latin nidus (nest) but it remains one of those insoluble disputes in linguistics.  The figurative sense was first recorded in 1725, the use in ecology dating from 1927 and the contemporary coinings like niche market, multi-niche & niche player are all from the twentieth century.  Niche is a noun and nicher, nichering & nichered are verbs; the noun plural is niches.


While the origin of niche is of interest only to the profession, the dispute over pronunciation has a wider audience: nĭch (the U version and phonetically nich) or nēsh (non-U and neesh)?  Many dictionaries (especially the descriptive) list both but those which offer only one (the prescriptive) insist on nitch.  The descriptive (and thus linguistically promiscuous) Merriam-Webster’s on-line presence lists several pronunciations for niche: nitch, neesh and nish, in a deliberate attempt to reflect English as it’s actually spoken while Webster’s more prescriptive print edition continues to insist on nich.  The Gallic-influenced neesh is said now to be the preferred US use.

Lindsay Lohan in Falling for Christmas (left) and Irish Wish with Triumph TR4 and body double (right).

In film, a niche differs from a franchise in that the former is a conceptual genre and independent of the characters, the latter thematic and generally dependent on the continuity of at least one character.  Lindsay Lohan’s two recent Netflix productions, Falling for Christmas (2022) & Irish Wish (slated for 2023) are in the rom-com (romantic comedy) niche.

There are two types of dictionaries: prescriptive and descriptive and most modern dictionaries are descriptive, meaning they attempt to describe the language as it’s used, including, explicitly or by implication, all pronunciation variants of a word used by educated speakers.  This approach does upset some purists but this is how English has always evolved, a slut of a language which picks up words which seem useful, uses them as required and dumps them when they’re outlived their usefulness.  It’s tempting to suggest those who read Trollope say nith, those who watch TikTok prefer neesh but if ever that was true,, it probably no longer is so, when in doubt, stick to the classics; niche should be pronounced nich.

Niche, nitch & the W113 notch

So things started with niche and later there came nitch which was (1) an alternative form of knitch (a small bundle), (2) a blend of nick + notch (a dialectal form meaning "a small notch or incision") and (3) a simple misspelling of niche which caught on.  In the collector car market there are many niches and while there’s overlap and some multi-niche players, niches are often siloed, one being the Mercedes-Benz W113.  The W113 was a small roadster of spare, elegant lines which was produced in 3 versions (230 SL, 250 SL & 280 SL) between 1963-1971 and is known among the cognoscenti as the “pagoda” an allusion to the unusual curve of the detachable hard-top, the arc described by the raised side-windows.  The successor roadster (the R107, 1971-1989) used a similar roof design but the pagoda moniker is unique to the W113.

1971 Mercedes-Benz 280 SL (W113, "pagoda").

Also unique to the W113 niche is the cult of the notch.  Part of the charm of the W113 and a proof it came from a time when Mercedes-Benz were rather more “hand-made” than now, were the leaded-seam “fender notches”, small creases in the fender, inboard of the headlights, which workers on the assembly line hand-shaped with tin, their purpose being to ensure the notch matched both the knik in the headlight surround and the crease on the outside of the fender.  That ensured perfect alignment (this was a time when the factory took seriously such intricate details of quality control) but were thought at the time just part of the manufacturing process and not publicized.  Thus, in the decades before the W113 became a collectable and long before originality became a fetish, repair shops when replacing fenders (supplied from the factory without a notch) wouldn’t fashion a notch one to match the one replaced, unaware perhaps even of their existence.  There were tales too of the factory’s notches even being smoothed-out as a “fix” when thought a defect although these stories may be apocryphal.  However, those who have had a replacement fender “notched” exactly to match the one removed will probably still not satisfy the originality police because the inner fender spot welds which affix the fender to the structure are said to have been done in a manner almost impossible to replicate.  It’s metal so it can be done but it’s not easy to convince the experts who judge such things.

By their notches they shall be known: Headlight notches (left & right) on 1970 Mercedes-Benz 280 SL.

Saturday, February 6, 2021


Tortoise (pronounced tawr-tuhs)

(1) Any herbivorous terrestrial chelonian reptile of the family Testudinidae (mostly North American) or the order Testudines (elsewhere in the English-speaking world), the body of which is enclosed in a shell (carapace plus plastron), the animal able to withdraw its head and four legs partially into the shell, providing some protection from predators.

(2) Another word for testudo.

(3) Figuratively, a very slow person or thing, the idea explored in Aesop’s ambiguous fable “The Tortoise and the Hare”.

1550s: A variant of various Middle English words including the late fifteenth century tortuse, the mid-fifteenth century tortuce, the late fourteenth century tortuge and  tortose, & tortuca (all of which may have been influenced by the Old French tortue and the word porpoise), and probably from the mid-thirteenth century Medieval Latin tortūca, from the Late Latin tartarūcha the feminine form of Tartarus, from the Ancient Greek ταρταροῦχος (tartaroûkhos) (a mythological spirit, holder of Tartaros (or Tartarus), the land of the dead in ancient stories), the tortoise being regarded as an infernal animal with origins in the depths of the underworld.  The Medieval Latin form was influenced by the Latin tortus (crooked, twisted), that base on the shape of the creatures’ feet.  The Latin tortus was also the source of the English tort (the branch of law dealing with the civil remedies available for wrongful acts).  In Classical Latin the word was testudo, from testa (shell) and the words derived from Latin displaced the native Old English byrdling; the long obsolete synonym was shellpad.  Tortoise is a noun; the noun plural is tortoises.

Detail of an oval multi-foiled dish with chinoiserie motifs, tortoiseshell with gold and mother-of-pearl piqué work (circa 1740) by Giuseppe Sarao (circa 1710-circa 1775) of Naples, once owned by Baron Henri de Rothschild (1872-1947).

The noun carapace (upper shell of a turtle or tortoise; shell of an insect, crustacean etc) date from 1836 and was from the eighteenth century French carapace (tortoise shell), from the Spanish carapacho or Portuguese carapaça, both of uncertain origin but may be related to the Latin capa (cape).  The noun turtle (tortoise) emerged circa 1600, originally in the form "marine tortoise" from the thirteenth century French tortue & tortre (turtle, tortoise) of unknown origin. Etymologists suspect the English turtle may be a sailors' mauling of the French and it was later extended to land tortoises, the sea-turtle noted since the 1610s.

Lindsay Lohan in tortoiseshell-frame sunglasses, Los Angeles. 2012.

The use of the common terms turtle, tortoise, and terrapin vary by geography.  In North America, turtle tends to be the general term while tortoise is used only in reference to terrestrial turtles or those members of Testudinidae, the family of modern land tortoises.  Terrapin is applied usually to turtles that are small and live in fresh and brackish water.  Elsewhere in the English-speaking world, turtle is used generally of the aquatic while tortoise is applied to land-dwelling members of the order Testudines (regardless of whether they are actually members of the family Testudinidae).  One antipodean linguistic anomaly is that although land tortoises are not native to Australia, freshwater turtles traditionally have been called tortoises.  Non specialists often use tortoise and turtle interchangeably and although the most commonly accepted distinction is that tortoises are terrestrial (land-dwelling) and turtles aquatic, it’s not a zoological rule because the box turtle is primarily terrestrial and confusingly, is also called the box tortoise.  One helpful physical indication is that aquatic turtles (like snapping turtles) have webbed feet or flippers whereas turtles known as tortoises typically have stubby, round feet, and their shells are often more domed.

A sea turtle showing its classic tortoiseshell pattern & coloring.

Tortoises are studied by herpetologists, a field which encompasses reptiles and amphibians, the word from the Ancient Greek ρπετόν (herpetón) (creeping animal, reptile, especially a snake) + -ologist.  The relatively rare suffix -ologist is the alternative spelling of -logist (one who studies a subject), the construct being -logy (study of) + -ist (the agent suffix).  The suffix -ology was formed from -o- (as an interconsonantal vowel) + -logy.  The origin in English of the -logy suffix lies with loanwords from the Ancient Greek, usually via Latin and French, where the suffix (-λογία) is an integral part of the word loaned (eg astrology from astrologia) since the sixteenth century.  French picked up -logie from the Latin -logia, from the Ancient Greek -λογία (-logía).  Within Greek, the suffix is an -ία (-ía) abstract from λόγος (lógos) (account, explanation, narrative), and that a verbal noun from λέγω (légō) (I say, speak, converse, tell a story).  In English the suffix became extraordinarily productive, used notably to form names of sciences or disciplines of study, analogous to the names traditionally borrowed from the Latin (eg astrology from astrologia; geology from geologia) and by the late eighteenth century, the practice (despite the disapproval of the pedants) extended to terms with no connection to Greek or Latin such as those building on French or German bases (eg insectology (1766) after the French insectologie; terminology (1801) after the German Terminologie).  Within a few decades of the intrusion of modern languages, combinations emerged using English terms (eg undergroundology (1820); hatology (1837)).  In this evolution, the development may be though similar to the latter-day proliferation of “-isms” (fascism; feminism et al).

In the style of late mid-century modern, a serving tray (circa 1970) by Guzzini of Italy, the platter of acrylic & acrylic glass with brass handles.  The use of the tortoiseshell motif on a large flat surface illustrates the possibilities offered by synthetics.  Such things can now be 3D-printed.

The oldest known reference to tortoise shell (also tortoise-shell & tortoiseshell) as a pattern of markings is from 1782 although for decorative purposes it had been prized for centuries.  The material is made from the shell of the larger species of turtles & tortoises and the attractive and unusual combinations of colors and patterning has seen the name tortoiseshell attached to some species, most famously the breed of domestic cat and several butterflies.  The attractiveness of the mottled material, its durability and even the pleasingly natural touch made tortoiseshell a popular material with consumers and it was famously used in inlays by French craftsman André-Charles Boulle (1642–1732) who lent his name to the distinctive style.  As a natural product, the some variations in style and color were especially valued and it was one of those commodities men sometimes killed to obtain.  Such was the demand that some species of sea turtles became threatened although trade in the substance, first restricted by treaty under the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) process, wasn’t wholly banned until early in the twenty-first century.  The appearance of the natural tortoiseshell is now emulated in a variety of synthetic materials including cellulose acetate and various thermoplastics.

Tortoiseshell kitten.

Despite the way the name is often used, there is no distinct breed of cat called tortoiseshell, the coloring caused by the normal operation of genetics.  The variations are induced by x-linked genes, the process called mosaic expression under which only one x-linked gene for hair color is expressed in each cell, resulting in the mix coloring which is determined by which gene is left “on” in each cell.  In a model familiar in mammals, a female cat has two X chromosomes in each cell (XX) while males have one X and one Y (XY).  In cats, the X chromosome includes much information (genes) including the instructions which determine the color of the coat and female cats, being XX, have two sets of genes for coat color in each cell.  In tortoiseshell cats, these instructions don’t match because there’s one gene for orange one for black fur and during the earliest stages of an embryonic kitten, one X chromosome in every single cell deactivates in a process called lyonization and because the process is entirely random, skin cells retain the instruction for orange fur while others remain coded for black, thus the tortoiseshell pattern.  As a further evolutionary quirk, because the colors are linked to the X chromosome, almost all tortoiseshell cats are female.

Friday, February 5, 2021


Exuberant (pronounced ig-zoo-ber-uh nt)

(1) Of people (and sometimes applied to animals), very high-spirited; effusively and almost uninhibitedly enthusiastic energetic and enthusiastic; extremely joyful and vigorous.

(2) In literary use, of things that grow, abundant, luxuriant, profuse.

(3) In medicine, profuse in growth or production.

1425-1475:  From the late Middle English, from the Middle French exubérant, from the Latin exūberantem (nominative exūberāns), (overabundance; superfluous; extraordinary),  the present active participle of exūberō (be abundant) snd present participle of exūberāre (be abundant, grow luxuriously).  The construct was ex- (out (though here probably in the special sense of "thoroughly)) + ūberāre (be fruitful) which was related to ūber (udder or fertile), from the primitive Indo-European root eue-dh-r-, the original idea being the image of a cow or she-goat which was producing so much milk it naturally dripped or sprayed from the udder.  From the 1510s it was used to mean "growing luxuriantly, and within decades it picked up the idea of describing "an overflowing", a borrowing from the contemporary French exubérance, from the Late Latin exuberantia (superabundance) the abstract noun from exuberare, this extending to the figurative sense of "affections, joyous emotions etc by the mid-seventeenth century (the noun euberancy noted since the 1610s).  Exuberant is a adjective and, exuberance and (the archaic) exuberancy are nouns, exuberating is a verb and exuberantly an adverb; the noun plural is exuberances

Fedspeak, Alan Greenspan and irrational exuberance

Dr Alan Greenspan (b 1926) between 1987-2006 served five terms as chairman of the US Federal Reserve (the US central bank), remarkably, under four presidents from both parties.  Among the Fed’s chairs, he remains the best remembered exponent of a specific fork of officialise: Fedspeak, the jargon-laced technique of expression described by economist Alan Blinder (b 1945) as "a turgid dialect of English" used by Fed chairs to make wordy and vague statements which, while reassuring, are designed not to encourage financial market traders to over-react; some labelled it “constructive ambiguity”.  The coinage is a nod to Newspeak in George Orwell’s (1903-1950) dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), the invented language of a totalitarian state constructed around a simplified grammar with a closed vocabulary set suitable for expressing only the ideas and concepts of the regime.

Blowing smoke.  Fed chairman Paul Volcker appearing before a congressional committee in 1986, a time one could smoke a cigar at such events.

Previous Fed chairs were well-aware those in financial markets attributed great value to statements from the governors and that could lead to some self-fulfilling prophecies.  To try to prevent this, in their public statements, governors adopted Fedspeak to deliver ambiguous and cautious statements, purposefully to obscure and detract meaning from the statement, Greenspan describing Fed-speak as learning “…to mumble with great incoherence.”  He may have been thinking of the (possibly apocryphal) remark by one pope: “When one is infallible, one has to be careful what one says”.  Once, when a US senator told Greenspan he understood what he’d just said, the chairman replied “Then I must have misspoken" and was delighted when different organs of the financial press reported his speeches using headlines with diametrically different meanings.  There’s always been the suspicion the style emanating from the Fed was intended also to deflect the attention of politicians, Richard Nixon (1913-1994; US president 1969-1974) sometimes complained about the jargon-laden text issued by Arthur Burns (1904–1987; Fed chairman 1970-1978) and the formidable Paul Volcker (1927–2019; Fed chairman 1979-1987) was known to adopt Fedspeak to bat away unwelcome congressional enquiries although he was noted also for plain-speaking about inflation, the money supply and growing structural imbalances in the US economy, forcefully making his views known even to presidents.  In 1987, Ronald Reagan declined to offer Volker another term; perhaps the chairman should have used more Fedspeak.

It’s something of an irony that Greenspan’s best remembered phrase, "irrational exuberance", is really not Fed-speak although the two words were part of a long, complex speech, much of which certainly belongs to the genre.

Clearly, sustained low inflation implies less uncertainty about the future, and lower risk premiums imply higher prices of stocks and other earning assets.  We can see that in the inverse relationship exhibited by price/earnings ratios and the rate of inflation in the past.  But how do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values, which then become subject to unexpected and prolonged contractions as they have in Japan over the past decade?  (Tokyo, 5 December 1996).

Rational exuberance: Lindsay Lohan collecting an award, 2005 MTV Movie Awards, Los Angeles June, 2005.

Immediately after the speech, the local market unexpectedly dropped 3%, exchanges around the world following the Nikkei’s lead.  The reaction however was short-lived and a major slump didn’t happen for another three years, the biggest dip on the NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) composite, the tech-heavy board listing many of the stocks Greenspan thought priced at levels induced by irrational exuberance.   It was only in retrospect the phrase became well-remembered and part of colloquial speech.  Given the history of Fedspeak, "Greenspeak" briefly gained currency but never caught on, presumably because “green” was so vested with connotations in its usual (modern) context and thus easily and erroneously associated with concepts such as “greenwash” & "green-sheen".  Indeed, although Greta Thunberg (b 2003; Swedish weather forecaster) in her critique of COP26 (The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties, Glasgow, October-November 2021) provided "blah, blah, blah" as a memorable sound-bite, "greenwash" remains the preferred (dismissive) term with which to refer to any superficial or insincere display of concern for the environment, especially one issued by individuals or institutions whose activities remained environmentally destructive.  Constructions like "Greenspanspeak", "Greenspannian", "Greenspanistic" or "Greenspanesque" all just too much of a mouthful, Fedspeak had to do.

All the chairman’s men: Dr Greenspan and his presidents

Ronald Reagan (1911-2004; US president 1981-1989).

George HW Bush (George XLI, 1924-2018; US president 1989-1993).

Bill Clinton (b 1946; US president 1992-2001).

George W Bush (George XLIII, b 1946; US president 2001-2009).

Since the Greenspan epoch, the meaning has shifted, Fedspeak now very much in the tradition of Humpty Dumpty in Lewis Carroll's (1832-1898) Alice Through the Looking-Glass (the 1871 sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865)) which are two of the most marvelous books ever written

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less."

"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."

"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master—that's all."

The governors claim post-Greenspan Fedspeak is an exercise in imparting meaning in simple, plain-English with no (intended) attempt to obfuscate.

Thursday, February 4, 2021


Harmonic (pronounced hahr-mon-ik)

(1) In music, pertaining to harmony, as distinguished from melody and rhythm.  A harmonic is a periodic motion, the frequency of which is a whole-number multiple of some fundamental frequency. The motion of objects or substances that vibrate or oscillate in a regular fashion, such as the strings of musical instruments, can be analyzed as a combination of a fundamental frequency and higher harmonics.  Harmonics above the first harmonic (the fundamental frequency) in sound waves are called overtones. The first overtone is the second harmonic, the second overtone is the third harmonic, and so on.

(2) In music, marked by harmony; in harmony; concordant; consonant; pleasant to hear; harmonious; melodious.

(3) In music, the place where, on a bowed string instrument, a note in the harmonic series of a particular string can be played without the fundamental present.

(4) In physics, of, relating to, or noting a series of oscillations in which each oscillation has a frequency that is an integral multiple of the same basic frequency.

(5) In mathematics (1) (of a set of values), related in a manner analogous to the frequencies of tones that are consonant, (2) capable of being represented by sine and cosine functions and (3) (of a function) satisfying the Laplace equation; used to characterize various mathematical entities or relationships supposed to bear some resemblance to musical consonance; the harmonic polar line of an inflection point of a cubic curve is the component of the polar conic other than the tangent line.

(6) In Australianist linguistics, a technical term, of or relating to a generation an even number of generations distant from a particular person.

(7) In phonology, exhibiting or applying constraints on what vowels (eg front/back vowels only) may be found near each other and sometimes in the entire word.

(8) In many contexts, something recurring periodically

(9) In the slang of CB radio, one's child.

1560–1570: From the Latin harmonicus (relating to harmony) from the Ancient Greek ρμονικός (harmonikós) (harmonic, musical, skilled in music), from ρμονία (harmonía & harmonie).  From the 1660s it acquired the meaning "tuneful, harmonious; relating to harmony", synonymous with the earlier (circa 1500) armonical (tuneful, harmonious), the noun, short for harmonic tone, dating from 1777.  Harmony was first attested in 1602 and was from the Middle English armonye, from Old French harmonie & armonie, from the Latin harmonia, from the Ancient Greek ρμονία (harmonía) (joint, union, agreement, concord of sounds).  Related forms are the adverb harmonically and the unfortunate noun harmonicalness.  The old alternative spelling, harmonick, although still in use in the nineteenth century, is wholly obsolete.  Harmonic is a noun & adjective, harmonica & harmonicist are nouns and harmonically is an adverb; the noun plural is harmonics.

Harmonica was coined in 1762 by Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) as the name for a glass harmonica, from the feminine of the Latin harmonicus.  The use to describe a "reeded mouth organ" is a creation of American English from 1873, displacing the earlier (1825) harmonicon.  The adjective enharmonic (referencing Greek music) is from the Late Latin enharmonicus, from the Ancient Greek enharmonikos, the construct being en- (the intensive prefix) + harmonikos.  From 1794 it picked up a technical use in music criticism to refer to reference to a modern music note that can be indicated in different ways (G sharp/A flat).  The adjective philharmonic (loving harmony or music) was invented in 1813 as the name of a London society founded for the purpose of promoting instrumental music and was from the 1739 French philharmonique, from the Italian filarmonico (literally "loving harmony") the construct being the Ancient Greek philos (loving) + harmonika (theory of harmony, music) from the neuter plural of harmonikos.  Over the centuries, the word philharmonic was adopted by many symphony orchestras and organisations devoted to fine music.

Engine harmony

Harmonic balancers are circular devices, made of rubber and metal, attached to the front-end of the crankshafts of internal combustion engines to help absorb vibrations.  During the combustion process, each piston is forced down the cylinder as a result of a pressure rise (induced by the explosion of the fuel-air mix) within the combustion chamber, the stroke imparting a sudden rotational force to the crankshaft which, although (hopefully) stiff and robust, is not perfectly rigid.  During these events, which happen thousands of times per minute, the crankshaft (in a process called torsional vibration) will twist slightly in response to each application of pressure which can be several tons.  The force of the combustion process causes the crankshaft slightly to deflect in the direction of the force and when that force ceases, the crankshaft springs back.  At certain frequencies the crank can resonate, worsening the vibration.  The harmonic balancer is the dampener which absorbs these forces.

ATI Performance part number 917562 (Super Damper, Standard Harmonic Balancer) for Ford 335 series (370/429/460/514 cubic inch V8).

The name harmonic balancer can be misleading in that most do not balance an engine, rather they absorb and remove unwanted vibration due to torsional twisting of the crankshaft and are thus vibration dampeners which is why some engineers prefer to call them dampeners.  In some engines though, a harmonic balancer can be part of the engine balancing strategy with weights added to the balancer to offset the weight of the pistons and conrods.  This is called external balancing, whereas internal balancing refers to the weight distribution of the crankshaft.


In 2009, a video surfaced of Lindsay Lohan which appeared to be a profile piece for the on-line dating site eHarmony.  Unfortunately, it was a spoof video for the site but delivered with her usual comedic sense, the script included the lines:

Hi. I'm Lindsay and I'm recently single... I think... and I’m looking for someone with whom I can spend the rest of my life with, or at least the rest of my probation.

I’m an actress, a singer, an entrepreneur, and I have single-handedly kept 90 per cent of all gossip web sites in business.

I’m a workaholic, a shopaholic and, according to the state of California, an alcoholic, as well as a threat to all security guards if they work at hotels.  And to put all those rumors to rest, I am not broke.  I actually have over $400 in the bank and 20,000 Marlboro Miles, which I’m very proud of.

I'm looking for a compatible mate who likes a night out on the town (as long as he or she is driving), ankle monitoring bracelets and doesn’t have family members quick to issue restraining orders.

My dream date likes long walks on the beach, car chases on the Pacific Coast Highway, antiquing and passing out in Cadillac Escalades.

So, if you think you can handle a redhead with a little bit of sass, and by that I mean a redhead that’s crazy, we’ll crash a few parties, a car or two, but at the end of the day, I promise you I never lose my Google hits … just my underwear.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Ameliorate (pronounced uh-meel-yuh-reyt or uh-mee-lee-uh-reyt)

(1) To make or become better; to improve something perceived to be in a negative condition.

(2) To make more bearable or less unsatisfactory (a contested meaning).

1728: A variant of the Middle English meliorate (to make better; to improve; to solve a problem), from the Medieval Latin amelioratus, past participle of meliorāre (I make better; improve), a verb from the Classical Latin melior (better), from the Proto-Italic meljōs, from the primitive Indo-European mélyōs, from mel- (strong, big) and cognate with multus, the Ancient Greek μάλα (mála) and the Latvian milns (very much, a lot of).  The adoption in English of ameliorate as an alternative to meliorate reflected the influence of the French améliorer (to improve), from the Old French ameillorer (to make better), from meillor (better), again from the Classical Latin melior.  The intransitive sense of the verb to mean "grow better" dates from 1789, the adjective ameliorative (tending to make better) emerging by 1796.  The synonyms include (most obviously) meliorate and also improve & amend.  Ameliorate is a verb, amelioration, ameliorant & ameliorableness are nouns and ameliorable, amelioratory & ameliorative are adjectives; the noun plural is ameliorations.

Purists insist ameliorate is often wrongly used where what is meant is “alleviate”, a habit which seems prevalent among journalists and politicians, two professions noted in recent decades for their marked decline in quality.  Properly used, ameliorate means to improve something thought not satisfactory; it should not be used to mean “make more tolerable or bearable.  Thus, the frequent appearance of phrases like “ameliorating the pain” should instead be rendered as “alleviating the pain”.  Alleviate was from the Late Latin alleviatus (to lighten) and in this context means to ease the suffering in a specific situation; to make something easier to bear (and it can mean “to decrease”).  Ameliorate refers to changing a circumstance or situation for the better whereas alleviate describes only easing the suffering attached to a bad circumstance or situation.  In use, ameliorate appears most often as the simple present ameliorates, the present participle ameliorating or the past participle ameliorated.

In October 2016, during an Aegean cruise, Lindsay Lohan suffered a finger injury, the tip of one digit severed by the boat's anchor chain.  The detached flesh was salvaged from the deck, permitting micro-surgery to be performed ashore, ameliorating the damage suffered.  Unfortunately, being an extremity, it wasn’t possible immediately wholly to alleviate the pain but despite the gruesome injury, Lindsay Lohan later managed to find husband so all’s well that ends well.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021


Asseveration (pronounced uh-sev-uh-rey-shuhn)

(1) A vehement assertion, emphatic affirmation or asseveration; vehemence, rigor.

(2) The act of asseverating.

(3) In the technical rules of grammar, a word of emphasis (a rare form, used only by scholars using the word in the sense it was used in Latin).

1550–1560: From the Middle English asseveration (an emphatic assertion), from the Classical Latin asseverationem (nominative asseveratio) (vehement assertion, protestation), the construct being ad- (to) + severus (serious, grave, strict, austere) which was probably from the primitive Indo-European root segh- (to have, hold) on the model of "steadfastness, toughness".  The Latin assevērātiōn (stem of assevērātiō, from assevērō), (vehement assertion, protestation) was the noun of action from past participle stem of asseverare.  Asseveration is a noun, asseverate & assever are verbs; the noun plural is asseverations.

Asseverations: some stay and some go

Mr Abbott at Cardinal Pell's requiem mass, Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney, Australia, 1 February 2023.

Asseverations are sometime heat of the moment things and later (something quickly) withdrawn as calmer thoughts intrude or wiser counsels prevail though not always.  Almost immediately the Holy See announced the death of Cardinal George Pell (1941—2023), noted Roman Catholic layman Tony Abbott (b 1957; Australian prime-minister 2013-2015) felt moved to praise him as “…an ecclesiastical and cultural conservative…” whose “…incarceration on charges the High Court ultimately scathingly dismissed was a modern form of crucifixion…” and his “…prison journals should become a classic: a fine man wrestling with a cruel fate and trying to make sense of the unfairness of suffering.  In his own way, by dealing so equably with a monstrous allegation, he strikes me a saint of our times.  Like everyone who knew him, I feel a deep sense of loss but am confident that his reputation will grow and grow that he will become an inspiration for the ages.”

Mourners queue to enter the cathedral.

So polarizing a figure was Pell that it’s doubtful Mr Abbott’s thoughts much influenced anyone (one way or the other) but there were those who thought he might retreat a little on the matter of good Saint George.  He didn’t and at the cardinal’s requiem mass doubled down and asseverated further, eulogizing Pell as “the greatest man I’ve ever known”, observing he was “one of our country’s greatest sons”, a “great hero” and a “saint for our times”.  To those familiar with the findings of the five-year royal commission into child sexual abuse and the criticism of the legal devices Pell set up in both Melbourne & Sydney which operated to limit the Church’s financial liability in such matters, Mr Abbott’s words must have seemed at least hyperbolic but the former prime-minister made no mention of the commission’s findings, preferring to dwell on those of the High Court of Australia (HCA) which, on appeal, unanimously (7-0) quashed the finding of a jury (upheld on a first appeal) that Pell had committed an act of sexual abuse against a minor.  Not only did Mr Abbott praise the decision to quash the conviction (on the grounds the prosecution had not beyond reasonable doubt proved the offence took place, as described, in the place, at the time alleged) but damned the charges even being laid, saying: “He should not have been charged in the absence of corroborating evidence and should never have been convicted in the absence of a plausible case, as the HCA so resoundingly made plain”, adding the cardinal had been “made a scapegoat for the church itself”.  To clarify just why Saint George it should be, he praised especially Pell’s ability to accept this “modern-day crucifixion” which was the “heroic virtue that makes him to my mind, a saint for our times”.  So the example of the late cardinal might continue to inspire others, Mr Abbott called for “Pell study courses, Pell spirituality courses, Pell lectures, Pell high schools and Pell university colleges, just as there are for the other saints” concluding that: “The ultimately triumphant life of this soldier for truth to advance through smear and doubt to victory should drive a renewal of confidence throughout the Universal Church”.  Presumably, Mr Abbott’s line of Saint George Pell T-shirts, baseball caps and swimming trunks can’t be far off.

Not all who turned up agreed with Mr Abbott.

Harvey Weinstein heading for court.

Some asseverations however quickly are deleted as the reaction makes clear what seemed at the time a good idea might need to be reconsidered.  However, in the age of Twitter and Instagram, totally to delete something is at least difficult and often impossible.  In 2017, as a twitterstorm flared around about the sexual assault allegations against film produced Harvey Weinstein (b 1952), a sympathetic Lindsay Lohan took to Instagram saying she was “feeling bad” for Weinstein and chastised his estranged wife, Georgina Chapman, for announcing she was leaving him.  “He's never harmed me or did anything to me—we've done several movies together” Ms Lohan added, concluding “I think everyone needs to stop—I think it's wrong. So stand up”.  The posts were soon deleted and in an attempt to calm the controversy they engendered, she issued a statement in which she said: “I am saddened to hear about the allegations against my former colleague Harvey Weinstein.  As someone who has lived their life in the public eye, I feel that allegations should always be made to the authorities and not played out in the media”.  In a final public atonement, she added: “I encourage all women who believe Harvey harmed them to report their experiences to the relevant authorities”.  Weinstein was later quoted as saying:  I’m not doing OK, but I’m trying. I gotta get help, we all make mistakes.  Second chance, I hope.”

Monday, February 1, 2021


Knownothingism (pronounced noh-nuhth-ing-is-uhm)

A humorous coining to describe the American Party (1855 on) based on a stock reply the members were instructed to use if asked probing questions.

1855: A compound word, know + nothing+ -ism.  Know is from the Middle English knowen, from the Old English cnāwan (to know, perceive, recognise), from the Proto-Germanic knēaną (to know), from the primitive Indo-European ǵneh- (to know).  Nothing is from the Middle English noon thing, non thing, na þing, nan thing & nan þing, from the Old English nāþing & nān þing (nothing (literally “not any thing”)) and was equivalent to no + thing (and can be compared with the Old English nāwiht (nothing (literally “no thing”)) and the Swedish ingenting (nothing (literally “not any thing”, “no thing”)).  The –ism suffix was from the Ancient Greek ισμός (ismós) & -isma noun suffixes, often directly, sometimes through the Latin –ismus & isma (from where English picked up ize) and sometimes through the French –isme or the German –ismus, all ultimately from the Ancient Greek (where it tended more specifically to express a finished act or thing done).  It appeared in loanwords from Greek, where it was used to form abstract nouns of action, state, condition or doctrine from verbs and on this model, was used as a productive suffix in the formation of nouns denoting action or practice, state or condition, principles, doctrines, a usage or characteristic, devotion or adherence (criticism; barbarism; Darwinism; despotism; plagiarism; realism; witticism etc).

Knowing nothing

A nineteenth century US political phenomenon, the Know Nothing Party was originally a secret society known as the Order of the Star Spangled Banner (OSSB) which, like organisations such as the Freemasons or the Secret Society of the Les Clefs d’Or, featured rites of initiation, passwords, hand signs and demanded of its members a solemn pledge never to betray the order.  One practical measure was an instruction to members, if asked probing questions about the society, to answer only “I know nothing.”  The phrase was widely reported and members of the OSSB, despite many name-changes, were always known as “the know nothings”.  As a tactic in politics, there is much to commend it, as easy as it is for one to talk one’s way into trouble, it’s easier still to avoid it by saying nothing.

The roots of the party lay in New York City politics, emerging in 1843 as the American Republican Party, spawning a number of forks in different states which in 1853 merged, becoming the OSSB.  In this form, seeking national influence, it was re-branded, firstly in 1854 as the Native American Party and a year later, the American Party.  Sounding surprisingly modern, Trumpesque even, (as opposed to emulating Crooked Hillary Clinton which would be described as "knoweverythingism") the platform supported deportation of foreign beggars and criminals, a twenty-one year naturalization period for immigrants and mandatory Bible reading in schools.  Their stated aim was to restore their vision of what America should look like: a society underpinned by temperance, Protestantism and self-reliance with the American nationality and work ethic enshrined as the nation's highest values; a kind of Make America Great Again vibe.  Their especial concern was the infiltration of Roman Catholics and the influence of the Pope and they advocated the dismissal of all Catholics from public office.  In this vein, their catchy campaign slogan was “Rum, Romanism and Ruin”.

The Know Nothings in Louisiana (2018) by By Marius M. Carriere Jr, University Press of Mississippi, 230pp.

The Know Nothings were the American political system’s first major third party. In the early nineteenth century, the two parties leftover from the revolution were the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans.  Later would come the National Republicans, the Whigs, the Democrats and the Republicans but it was the Know Nothings which filled the political vacuum even as the Whigs were disintegrating.  They were the first party to leverage economic concerns over immigration as a major part of their platform and though short-lived, the values and positions of the Know Nothings ultimately contributed to the two-party system which has characterised US politics since the 1860s.