Thursday, March 25, 2021


Flurona (pronounced floo-roh-nuh)

An (currently) informal term for a case in which a patient simultaneously is infected both with influenza and the SARS-Cov-2 virus (source of the COVID-19 (a coronavirus) disease).

2022: A portmanteau word, the construct being (in)flu(enza) + (co)rona.  Influenza was from the Italian influenza (influence), from the Latin influentia.  The word has been used in English since 1743 borrowed from the Italian where it had been used since at least the late fifteenth to describe diseases (not all of which would now be regarded as influenza) with symptoms similar to a severe cold accompanied by a high fever.  Italian picked up the word from the  Medieval Latin influentia in the astrological sense (visitation, influence (of the stars)), an inheritance from the Classical Latin where it carried the meaning "to be planet-struck, afflicted as if by an evil star" on the notion of the then inexplicable disease being the result of some astral, occult, or atmospheric influence.  Corona dates from 1555–1565 and was from the Latin corōna (garland, crown) from the Ancient Greek κορώνη (kor or korōnis (crown, any curved object)), akin to korōnís (wreath; curved, beaked) & kórax (crow; raven); related was the Latin curvus (curved).  COVID-19 (an abbreviation of coronavirus disease 2019) is the name of the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.  The name was adopted in February 2020, chosen by the World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with the Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses.  Until then, it had been called variously 2019-nCoV, Novel coronavirus or Wuhan coronavirus.  SARS-CoV-2 is related to MERS-CoV (which causes Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)) and SARS-CoV (which causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)).  Flurona is a noun; the noun plural is fluronas.

Avoiding florona:  Donald Trump, crooked Hillary Clinton, Lindsay Lohan and Boris Johnson in face masks.

Flurona is one of those neologisms which are creations of a certain time and place and dictionaries tend to reserve judgement, so many words of this type fading from use as the circumstances which encouraged their creation recede.  Two things may count against flurona becoming embedded in the language: (1) flurona is thus far rare although it’s hard to be definitive because among those with minor or zero symptoms reporting is known to be low (it’s just unknown how low) and (2) even where cases are confirmed, it’s rare for a case of flurona to produce symptoms which are appreciably worse than single instances of either condition.  So the dictionaries will wait and see and there’s every chance a hundred years hence, flurona might appear in whatever form lexicographers will then use appended with an “archaic”, “extinct” or “obsolete”.

COVID-19 and Flu A/B Rapid Antigen Combo Test.

Flurona differs from the more established neologisms used in epidemiology and virology: twindemic & tripledemic (the respective constructs twin or triple + (pan or epi) + -demic.  There words reference respectively a combination of (1) influenza & Covid-19 or (2) influenza, COVID-19 & RSV (respiratory syncytial virus).  Both a twindemic and a tripledemic can thus be geographically limited (as in an epidemic) or, like a pandemic, widespread.  A case of flurona (not a single disease or a new strain of COVID-19) is thus two conditions diagnosed in one patient whereas twindemic or tripledemic are outbreaks of two different conditions happening simultaneously.

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