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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Dot. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, October 24, 2021


Dot (pronounced dot)

(1) A small, roundish mark made with or as if with a pen.

(2) A minute or small spot on a surface; speck.

(3) Anything relatively small or speck-like.

(4) A small specimen, section, amount, or portion; a small portion or specimen (the use meaning “a lump or clod” long obsolete).

(5) In grammar, a punctuation mark used to indicate the end of a sentence or an abbreviated part of a word; a full stop; a period.

(6) In the Latin script, a point used as a diacritical mark above or below various letters, as in Ȧ, Ạ, , , Ċ.

(7) In computing, a differentiation point internet addresses etc and in file names a separation device (although historically a marker between the filename and file type when only one dot per name was permitted in early files systems, the best known of which was the 8.3 used by the various iterations of CP/M & DOS (, image.tif, config.sys etc).

(8) In music, a point placed after a note or rest, to indicate that the duration of the note or rest is to be increased one half. A double dot further increases the duration by one half the value of the single dot; a point placed under or over a note to indicate that it is to be played staccato.

(9) In telegraphy. a signal of shorter duration than a dash, used in groups along with groups of dashes (-) and spaces to represent letters, as in Morse code.

(10) In printing, an individual element in a halftone reproduction.

(11) In printing, the mark that appears above the main stem of the letters i, j.

(12) In the sport of cricket, as “dot ball” a delivery not scored from.

(13) In the slang of ballistics as “dotty” (1) buckshot, the projectile from a or shotgun or (2) the weapon itself.

(14) A female given name, a clipping of form of Dorothea or Dorothy.

(15) A contraction in many jurisdictions for Department of Transportation (or Transport).

(16) In mathematics and logic, a symbol (·) indicating multiplication or logical conjunction; an indicator of dot product of vectors: X · Y

(17) In mathematics, the decimal point (.),used for separating the fractional part of a decimal number from the whole part.

(18) In computing and printing, as dot matrix, a reference to the method of assembling shapes by the use of dots (of various shapes) in a given space.  In casual (and commercial) use it was use of impact printers which used a hammer with a dot-shape to strike a ribbon which impacted the paper (or other surface) to produce representations of shapes which could include text.  Technically, laser printers use a dot-matrix in shape formation but the use to describe impact printers caught on and became generic.  The term “dots per inch” (DPI) is a measure of image intensity and a literal measure of the number of dots is an area.  Historically, impact printers were sold on the basis of the number of pins (hammers; typically 9, 18 or 24) in the print head which was indicative of the quality of print although some software could enhance the effect.

(19) In civil law, a woman's dowry.

(20) In video gaming, the abbreviation for “damage over time”, an attack that results in light or moderate damage when it is dealt, but that wounds or weakens the receiving character, who continues to lose health in small increments for a specified period of time, or until healed by a spell or some potion picked up.

(21) To mark with or as if with a dot or dots; to make a dot-like shape.

(22) To stud or diversify with or as if with dots (often in the form “…dotting the landscape…” etc).

(23) To form or cover with dots (such as “the dotted line”).

(24) In colloquial use, to punch someone.

(25) In cooking, to sprinkle with dabs of butter, chocolate etc.

Pre 1000: It may have been related to the Old English dott (head of a boil) although there’s no evidence of such use in Middle English.  Dottle & dit were both derivative of Old English dyttan (to stop up (and again, probably from dott)) and were cognate with Old High German tutta (nipple), the Norwegian dott and the Dutch dott (lump).  Unfortunately there seems no link between dit and the modern slang zit (pimple), a creation of US English unknown until the 1960s.  The Middle English dot & dotte were from the Old English dott in the de-elaborated sense of “a dot, a point on a surface), from the Proto-West Germanic dott, from the Proto-Germanic duttaz (wisp) and were cognate with the Saterland Frisian Dot & Dotte (a clump), the Dutch dot (lump, knot, clod), the Low German Dutte (a plug) and the Swedish dott (a little heap, bunch, clump).  The use in civil jurisdiction of common law where dot was a reference to “a woman's dowry” dates from the early 1820s and was from the French, from the Latin dōtem, accusative of dōs (dowry) and related to dōtāre (to endow) and dāre to (give).  For technical or descript reasons dot is a modifier or modified as required including centered dot, centred dot, middle dot, polka dot, chroma dot, day dot, dot-com, dot-comer (or dot-commer), dot release and dots per inch (DPI).  The synonyms can (depending on context) include dab, droplet, fleck, speck, pepper, sprinkle, stud, atom, circle, speck, grain, iota, jot, mite, mote, particle, period, pinpoint, point, spot and fragment.  Dot & dotting are nouns & verbs, dotter is a noun, dotlike & dotal are adjectives, dotted is an adjective & verb and dotty is a noun & adjective; the noun plural is dots.

Although in existence for centuries, and revived with the modern meaning (mark) in the early sixteenth century, the word appears not to have been in common use until the eighteenth and in music, the use to mean “point indicating a note is to be lengthened by half” appears by at least 1806.  The use in the Morse code used first on telegraphs dates from 1838 and the phrase “on the dot” (punctual) is documented since 1909 as a in reference to the (sometimes imagined) dots on a clock’s dial face.  In computing, “dot-matrix” (printing and screen display) seems first to have been used in 1975 although the processes referenced had by then been in use for decades.  The terms “dotted line” is documented since the 1690s.  The verb dot (mark with a dot or dots) developed from the noun and emerged in the mid eighteenth century.  The adjective dotty as early as the fourteenth century meant “someone silly” and was from "dotty poll" (dotty head), the first element is from the earlier verb dote.  By 1812 it meant also literally “full of dots” while the use to describe shotguns, their loads and the pattern made on a target was from the early twentieth century.  The word microdot was adopted in 1971 to describe “tiny capsules of Lysergic acid diethylamide" (LSD or “acid”); in the early post-war years (most sources cite 1946) it was used in the espionage community to describe (an extremely reduced photograph able to be disguised as a period dot on a typewritten manuscript.

Lindsay Lohan in polka-dots, enjoying a frozen hot chocolate, Serendipity 3 restaurant, New York, 7 January 2019.

The polka-dot (a pattern consisting of dots of uniform size and arrangement," especially on fabric) dates from 1844 and was from the French polka, from the German Polka, probably from the Czech polka, (the dance, literally "Polish woman" (Polish Polka), feminine form of Polak (a Pole).  The word might instead be a variant of the Czech půlka (half (půl the truncated version of půlka used in special cases (eg telling the time al la the English “half four”))) a reference to the half-steps of Bohemian peasant dances.  It may even be influenced by or an actual merger of both.  The dance first came into vogue in 1835 in Prague, reaching London in the spring of 1842; Johann Strauss (the younger) wrote many polkas.  Polka was a verb by 1846 as (briefly) was polk; notoriously it’s sometimes mispronounced as poke-a-dot.

In idiomatic use, to “dot one's i's and cross one's t's” is to be meticulous in seeking precision; an attention to even the smallest detail.  To be “on the dot” is to be exactly correct or to have arrived at exactly at the time specified.  The ides of “joining the dots” or “connecting the dots” is to make connections between various pieces of data to produce useful information.  In software, the process is literal in that it refers to the program “learning: how accurately to fill in the missing pieces of information between the data points generated or captured.  “The year dot” is an informal expression which means “as long ago as can be remembered”.  To “sign on the dotted line” is to add one’s signature in the execution of a document (although there may be no actual dotted line on which to sign).

Dots, floating points, the decimal point and the Floating Point Unit (FPU) 

When handling numbers, decimal points (the dot) are of great significance.  In cosmology a tiny difference in values beyond the dot can mean the difference between hitting one’s target and missing by thousands of mile and in finance the placement can dictate the difference between ending up rich or poor.  Vital then although not all were much bothered: when Lord Randolph Churchill (1849–1895) was Chancellor of the Exchequer (1886), he found the decimal point “tiresome”, telling the Treasury officials “those damned dot” were not his concern and according to the mandarins he was inclined to “round up to the nearest thousand or million as the case may be”.  His son (Winston Churchill (1875-1965; UK prime-minister 1940-1945 & 1951-1955) when Chancellor (1924-1929)) paid greater attention to the dots but his term at 11 Downing Street, although longer, remains less well-regarded.

In some (big, small or complex) mathematical computations performed on computers, the placement of the dot is vital.  What are called “floating-point operations” are accomplished using a representation of real numbers which can’t be handled in the usual way; both real numbers, decimals & fractions can be defined or approximated using floating-point representation, the a numerical value represented by (1) a sign, (2) a significand and (3) an exponent.  The sign indicates whether the number is positive or negative, the significand is a representation of the fractional part of the number and the exponent determines the number’s scale.  In computing, the attraction of floating-point representation is that a range of values can be represented with a relatively small number of bits and although the capability of computers has massively increased, so has the ambitions of those performing big, small or complex number calculations so the utility remains important.  At the margins however (very big & very small), the finite precision of traditional computers will inevitably result in “rounding errors” so there can be some degree of uncertainty, something compounded by there being even an “uncertainty about the uncertainty”.  Floating point calculations therefore solve many problems and create others, the core problem being there will be instances where the problems are not apparent.  Opinion seems divided on whether quantum computing will mean the uncertainty will vanish (at least with the very big if not the very small).

In computer hardware, few pieces have so consistently been the source of problems as Floating point units (FPUs), the so-called “math co-processors”.  Co-processors were an inherent part of the world of the mainframes but came to be thought of as something exotic in personal computers (PC) because there was such a focus on the central processing unit (CPU) (8086, 68020, i486 et al) and some co-processors (notably graphical processing units (GPU)) have assumed a cult-like following.  The evolution of the FPU is interesting in that as manufacturing techniques improved they were often integrated into the CPU architecture before again when the PC era began, Intel’s early 808x & 8018x complimented by the optional 8087 FPU, the model replicated by the 80286 & 80287 pairing, the latter continuing for some time as the only available FPU for almost two years after the introduction of the 80386 (later renamed i386DX in an attempt to differential genuine “Intel Inside” silicon from the competition which had taken advantage of the difficulties in trade-marking numbers).  The delay was due to the increasing complexity of FPU designs and flaws were found in the early 387s.

Intel i487SX & i486SX.

The management of those problems was well-managed by Intel but with the release of the i487 in 1991 they kicked an own goal.  First displayed in 1989, the i486DX had been not only a considerable advance but included an integrated FPU (also with some soon-corrected flaws).  That was good but to grab some of the market share from those making fast 80386DX clones, Intel introduced the i486SX, marketed as a lower-cost chip which was said to be an i486 with a reduced clock speed and without the FPU.  For many users that made sense because anyone doing mostly word processing or other non-number intensive tasks really had little use for the FPU but then Intel introduced the i487SX, a FPU unit which, in the traditional way, plugged into a socket on the system-board (as even them motherboards were coming to be called) al la a 287 or 387.  However, it transpired i487SX was functionally almost identical to an i486DX, the only difference being that when plugged-in, it checked to ensure the original i486SX was still on-board, the reason being Intel wanted to ensure no market for used i486SXs (then selling new for hundreds of dollars) emerged.  To achieve this trick, the socket for the I487 had an additional pin and it was the presence of this which told the system board to disable the i486SX.  The i487SX was not a success and Intel suffered what was coming to be called “reputational damage”.

Dual socket system-board with installed i486SX, the vacant socket able to handle either the i486DX or the i487SX.

The i487SX affair was however a soon forgotten minor blip in Intel’s upward path.  In 1994, Intel released the first of the Pentium CPUs all of which were sold with an integrated FPU, establishing what would become Intel’s standard architectural model.  Like the early implementations of the 387 & 487, there were flaws and upon becoming aware of the problem, Intel initiated a rectification programme.  They did not however issue a recall or offer replacements to anyone who had already purchased a flawed Pentium and, after pressure was exerted, undertook to offer replacements only to those users who could establish their pattern of use indicated they would actually be in some way affected.  Because of the nature of the bug, that meant “relatively few”.  The angst however didn’t subside and a comparison was made with a defect in a car which would manifest only if speeds in excess of 125 mph (200 km/h) were sustained for prolonged periods.  Although in that case only “relatively few” might suffer the fault, nobody doubted the manufacturer would be compelled to rectify all examples sold and such was the extent of the reputational damage that Intel was compelled to offer what amounted to a “no questions asked” replacement offer.  The corporation’s handing of the matter has since often been used as a case study in academic institutions by those studying law, marketing, public relations and such.

Monday, September 6, 2021


Polka (pronounced pohl-kuh or poh-kuh)

(1) A lively couple dance of Bohemian origin, with music in duple meter (three steps and a hop, in fast duple time).

(2) A piece of music for such a dance or in its rhythm.

(3) To dance the polka.

(4) As polka dot (sometimes polka-dot), a dot or round spot (printed, woven, or embroidered) repeated to form a pattern on a surface, especially textiles; a term for anything (especially clothing) with this design.

1844: From the French polka, from the German Polka, probably from the Czech polka, (the dance, literally "Polish woman" (Polish Polka), feminine form of Polak (a Pole).  The word might instead be a variant of the Czech půlka (half (půl the truncated version of půlka used in special cases (eg telling the time al la the English “half four”))) a reference to the half-steps of Bohemian peasant dances.  It may even be influenced by or an actual merger of both.  The dance first came into vogue in 1835 in Prague, reaching London in the spring of 1842; Johann Strauss (the younger) wrote many polkas.  Polka was a verb by 1846 as (briefly) was polk; notoriously it’s often mispronounced as poke-a-dot.

Lindsay Lohan in polka dot dress, Los Angeles, 2010.

Polka dot (a pattern consisting of dots (usually) uniform in size and arrangement) is used especially on women’s clothing (men seem permitted accessories such as ties, socks, scarves, handkerchiefs etc) and is attested from 1851 although both polka-spot and polka-dotted are documented in 1849.  

Why the name came to be associated with the then widely popular dance is unknown but most speculate it was likely an associative thing, spotted dresses popular with the Romani (Roma; Traveller; Gypsy) girls who often performed the polka dance.  Fashion journals note that, in the way of such things, the fad faded fast but there was a revival in 1873-1874 and the polka dot since has never gone away, waxing and waning in popularity but always there somewhere.

In fashion, it’s understood that playing with the two primary variables in polka dot fabrics (the color mix and the size of the dots) radically can affect the appeal of an outfit.  The classic black & white combination of course never fails but some colors just don’t work together, either because the contrast in insufficient or because the mix produces something ghastly.  Actually, combinations judged ghastly if rendered in a traditional polka dot can successfully be used if the dots are small enough in order to produce something which will appear at most angles close to a solid color yet be more interesting because of the effect of light and movement.  However, once dots are too small, the design ceases to be a polka dot.  It’s not precisely defined what the minimum size of a dot need to be but, as a general principle, its needs to be recognizably “dotty” to the naked eye at a distance of a few feet.

There’s also the sexual politics of the polka dot, Gloria Moss, Professor of Marketing & Management at Buckinghamshire New University and a visiting professor at the Ecole Superieure de Gestion (ESG) in Paris exploring the matter in her book Why Men Like Straight Lines and Women Like Polka Dots: Gender and Visual Psychology (Psyche Books, 2014, pp 237).  An amusing mix which both reviews the academic literature and flavors the text with anecdotes, Dr Moss constructs a thesis in which the preferences of men and their designs lie in the origins of modern humanity and the need for hunters to optimize their vision on distant horizons while maintaining sufficient peripheral vision to maintain situational awareness, threats on the steppe or savannah coming from any direction.  So men focus of straight line, ignoring color or extraneous detail unless either are essential to the hunt and thus survival, perhaps of the whole tribe.  By contrast, women’s preferences are rooted in the daily routine of the gatherer those millions of years ago, vision focused on that which was close, the nuts and berries to be picked and the infants with their rounded features to be nurtured.  From this came the premium afforded to responsiveness to round shapes, color contrasts and detail.  Being something of an intrusion into the world of the geneticists and anthropologists, reaction to the book wasn't wholly positive but few can have found reading it dull or unchallenging.  Of course, it won't surprise women that in men there is still much of the stone age but, for better or worse, Dr Moss concluded some of them belong there too. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


Quincunx (pronounced kwing-kuhngks or kwin-kuhngks)

(1) An arrangement of five objects, in a square or rectangle, one at each corner and one in the middle.

(2) In formal gardening, five plants placed thus as part of a design,

(3) In forestry, as a baseline pattern, five trees planted in such a shape.

(4) In botany, an overlapping arrangement of five petals or leaves, in which two are interior, two are exterior, and one is partly interior and partly exterior (described as a “quincuncial arrangement” of sepals or petals in the bud.

(5) The pattern of the five-spot on dice, playing cards and dominoes.

(6) In the history of numismatics, a bronze coin minted during the Roman Republic, valued at five-twelfths of an as (five times the value of the uncia); it was marked with five dots.

(7) In geometry, an angle of five-twelfths of a circle.

(8) In astrology An angle of five-twelfths of a circle (or 150°) between two objects (usually planets).

1640s: From the Latin quīncunx (the basis for the construct being quīnque + uncia) which translates literally as five twelfths”, a reference to a bronze coin minted (circa 211–200 BC) with a five dot pattern and issued by the Roman Republic; it was valued at five twelfths of an as (the Roman standard bronze coin).  Descendants from the Latin include the English quincunx, the French quinconce, the German Quinkunx, the Spanish quincunce and the Portuguese quincunce.  Quinque (the numeric five (5)) was from the From Proto-Italic kwenkwe, from the primitive Indo-European pénkwe, the cognates including the Sanskrit पञ्चन् (páñcan), the Ancient Greek πέντε (pénte), the Old Armenian հինգ (hing), the Gothic fimf and the Old English fīf (from which English ultimately gained “five”).  The basis of the construct of the Latin uncia may have been ūnicus (unique) (from ūnus (one), from the primitive Indo-European óynos) in the sense of twelfths making up the base unit of various ancient systems of measurement) + -ia.  Not all etymologists agree and some prefer a link with the Ancient Greek γκία (onkía) (uncia), from γκος (ónkos) (weight).  Uncia was the name of various units including (1) the Roman ounce (one-twelfth of a Roman pound), (2) the Roman inch (one-twelfth of a Roman foot), (3) a bronze coin minted by the Roman Republic (one-twelfth of an as), (a Roman unit of land area (one-twelfth of a jugerum)) and in the jargon of apothecaries became a synonym of ounce (the British & American avoirdupois unit of mass); it was generally a synonym of twelfth.  In algebra, it was a (now obsolete) numerical coefficient in a binomial.  Quīnque was the source of many modern Romance words for “five” including the French cinq and the Spanish cinco; uncia was the source of both “inch” and “ounce”.  Quincunx is a noun, quincuncial is an adjective and quincuncially is an adverb; the noun plural is quincunxes or quincunces.

Quincunx garden, Wyken Hall, Suffolk, England.

When first it entered English in the 1640s, “quincunx” existed only in the vocabulary of astrologers (astrology then still a respectable science) and it was used to describe planetary alignments at a distance of five signs from one another.  By the 1640s it had migrated to mathematics (particularly geometry) where it was used to define “an arrangement of five objects in a square, one at each corner and one in the middle”, familiar in the five pips on a playing card or spots on a di).  In the 1660s (possibly from dice or cards rather than the fortune-tellers), it was picked up by gardeners to describe the layout of a section of a formal garden in which one plant or shrub was placed at each corner of a square or rectangle with a fifth exactly in the centre (an arrangement in two sets of oblique rows at right angles to each other, a sense known also in the original Latin.  In forestry, use began (as a layout tool for new plantings) early in the eighteenth century.

Lindsay Lohan (born 2 July 1986) joins a list of the illustrious with a Mercury Quincunx MC (a planetary alignment where Mercury is 150o apart from the Medium Coeli (a Latin phrase which translates as “Midheaven” (“MC” in the jargon of astrologers).  In explaining the significance of the Quincunx MC, the planetary soothsayers note than when two planets lie 150o apart, “tension is created due to their lack of natural understanding or relation.  The MC is the point where the cusp of the tenth house is found on a natal (birth) and the MC sign signifies  one’s public persona.  Now we know.

Fluffy dice in 1974 Ford Mustang II (left), the color of the dashboard molding emblematic of what was happening in the 1970s.    In continuous production over seven generations since 1964, the Mustang II (1973-1979) is the least fondly remembered iteration (uniquely among Mustangs, in its first season a V8 engine was not even optional) but, introduced some weeks before the first oil embargo was imposed in 1973, it was a great sales success and exceeded the company’s expectations.  Unlike at least some of the models in all other generations, the Mustang II is a classic “Malaise era” car and not a collectable in the conventional sense of the word although they do have a residual value because the front sub-frame with its rack & pinion steering and flexible engine accommodation is prized for all sort of purposes and many have been cannibalized for this assembly alone.  Fluffy dice are available also in designer colors (right) and as well as the familiar dots, there are some with hearts, skulls, handguns, eyes and dollar signs.  Probably, the Mustang II and fluffy dice are a perfect match.

Although the five-dot pattern on a di is known in the industry as the quincunx, the other five faces enjoy rather more prosaic descriptions and most just use the number:

1 (single dot, at the center of the face): The “center dot” or “monad”.

2 (two dots, diagonally opposite each other): The “diagonal pair”.

3 (three dots, forming a diagonal line): The “diagonal trio”.

4 (four dots, arranged in a square pattern: The “square” or “quadrant”.

6 (six dots, arranged in two parallel vertical lines of three dots each): The “double row” or “paired trios”.

US Army five star insignia of (General of the Army) Dwight Eisenhower (1890-1969; US president 1953-1961).

The quincunx was one of the layouts considered in 1944 when, for the first time, the US military created five star ranks in the army and navy (there would not be a separate USAF (US Air Force) until 1947).  Eventually a pentagrammatic circle of stars was preferred but the aesthetics of epaulettes were the least of the problems of protocol, the military been much concerned with history and tradition and the tangle wasn’t fully combed out until 1976 when the Congress, the White House, and the Pentagon, acting in succession, raised George Washington (1732–1799; first president of the United States, 1789-1797) to the rank of five star general (he’d retired as a (three star) lieutenant general), back-dating the appointment so he’d for all time be the military’s senior officer.  In 1944, there was also an amusing footnote which, according to legend, resulted in the decision to use the style “general” and not “Marshal” (as many militaries do) because the first to be appointed was George Marshall (1880–1959; US Army chief of staff 1939-1945) and it was thought “Marshal Marshall” would be a bit naff, something Joseph Heller’s (1923-1999) “Major Major” in Catch-22 (1961) would prove.

The quincunx induction system, the Cadillac Le Monstre and the 24 Heures du Mans, 1950

Living up to the name: The 1950 Cadillac Le Monstre.

The two Cadillacs which in 1950 raced at Le Mans were mechanically similar but visually, could have been from different planets.  The more conventional Petit Pataud was a Series 61 coupe with only minor modification and it gained its nickname (the translation “clumsy puppy” best captures the spirit) because to the French it looked a lumbering thing but, as its performance in the race would attest, Cadillac’s new 331 cubic inch (5.4 litre) V8 (which would grow to 429 cubic inches (7.0 litres) before it was retired in 1967) meant it was faster than it looked.  Underneath the second entrant (Le Monstre obviously needing no translation but used in the sense of “monstrosity” rather than “large”) there was also a Series 61 but the body had been replaced by something more obviously aerodynamic although few, then or now, would call it “conventionally attractive”.  Although Le Monstre seemed very much in the tradition of the “cucumber-shaped” Mercedes-Benz SSKL which had won the 1932 race at Berlin’s unique AVUS circuit, the lines were the result of testing a one twelfth (Uncia in the Latin) scale wooden model in a wind-tunnel used usually to optimize the shape crop dusters and other slow-flying airplanes.  Presumably that explains the resemblance to a section of an airplane’s wing (a shape designed to encourage lift), something which would have been an issue had higher speeds been attained but even on the long (6 km (3.7 mile)) Mulsanne Straight, there was in 1950 enough power only to achieve around 210 km/h (130) mph although as a drag-reduction exercise it must have contributed to the 22 km/h (13 mph) advantage it enjoyed over Petit Pataud, something Le Monstre’s additional horsepower alone could not have done and remarkably, even with the minimalist aluminium skin it wasn’t much lighter than the standard-bodied coupe because this was no monocoque; the robust Cadillac chassis was retained with a tube-frame added to support the panels and provide the necessary torsional stiffness.

Le Monstre's 331 cubic inch V8 with its unusual (and possibly unique) five-carburetor induction system in a quincunx layout.

Some of the additional horsepower came from the novel "quincunx" induction system.  Le Monstre’s V8 was configured with five carburettors, the idea being that by use of progressive throttle-linkages, when ultimate performance wasn’t required the car would run on a single (central) carburettor, the other four summoned on demand and in endurance racing, improved fuel economy can be more valuable than additional power.  That’s essentially how most four-barrel carburettors worked, two venturi usually providing the feed with all four opened only at full throttle and Detroit would later refine the model by applying “méthode Le Monstre” to the triple carburettor systems many used between 1957-1971.  As far as is known, the only time a manufacturer flirted with the idea of a five carburetor engine was Rover which in the early 1960s was experimenting with a 2.5 (153 cubic inch) litre in-line five cylinder which was an enlargement of their 2.0 litre (122 cubic inch) four.  Fuel-injection was the obvious solution but the systems then were prohibitively expensive (for the market segment Rover was targeting) so the prototypes ended up with two carburettors feeding three cylinders and one the other two, an arrangement as difficult to keep in tune as it sounds.  Rover’s purchase of the aluminium 3.5 litre (214 cubic inch) V8 abandoned by General Motors (GM) meant the project was terminated and whatever the cylinder count, mass-produced fuel injection later made any configuration possible.  Five carburettors wasn’t actually the highest count seen in the pre fuel-injection era, Ferrari and Lamborghini both using six (done also by motorcycle manufacturers such as Honda and Benelli) and Moto-Guzzi in the 1950s fielded a 500 cm3 Grand-Prix bike with the memorable component count of 8 cylinders, 4 camshafts, 16 valves & 8 carburetors.  The early prototypes of Daimler’s exquisite hemi-head V8s (1959-1969) were also built with eight carburettors because the original design was based on a motorcycle power-plant, the reason why they were planned originally as air-cooled units.

Le Monstre ahead of Petit Pataud, Le Mans, 1950.  At the fall of the checkered flag, the positions were reversed. 

Motor racing is an unpredictable business and, despite all the effort lavished on Le Monstre, in the 1950 Le Mans 24 hour, it was the less ambitious Petit Pataud which did better, finishing a creditable tenth, the much modified roadster coming eleventh having lost many laps while being dug from the sand after an unfortunate excursion from the track.  Still, the results proved the power and reliability of Cadillac’s V8 and Europe took note: over the next quarter century a whole ecosystem would emerge, crafting high-priced trans-Atlantic hybrids which combined elegant European coachwork with cheap, powerful, reliable US V8s, the lucrative fun lasting until the first oil crisis began in 1973.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Signature (pronounced sig-nuh-cher or sig-nuh-choor)

(1) A person's name, or a mark representing it, as signed personally or by deputy, as in subscribing a letter or other document.

(2) The act of signing a document.

(3) In music, a sign or set of signs at the beginning of a staff to indicate the key or the time of a piece.

(4) In broadcasting, a song, musical arrangement, sound effect, etc., used as a theme identifying a program.

(5) Any unique, distinguishing aspect, feature, or mark.

(6) In computing, as digital signature, any one of a number of attempts to create a mechanism whereby a digital object can have the same unique identifying characteristic as a physical signature in ink; in cryptography, data attached to a message certifying the message originated from its claimed source; in email and some other variations of communication, test, images or other objects collectively appended usually at the end of a message, analogous with a traditional signature on a letter.

(7) In digital forensic analysis, as digital signature, a term used to refer to any collection of characteristics which can be used as an identifier of origin, intent etc;

(8) The part of a prescription for pharmaceuticals instructing the patient the frequency and quantity in which a drug should be administered (US only).

(9) As an adjective, something intended to be emblematic of an institution or individual (signature dish signature cocktail, signature scent etc).

(10) In printing, a sheet of paper printed with several pages that upon folding will become a section or sections of a book; such a sheet so folded.

(11) In mathematics, a tuple specifying the sign of coefficients in any diagonal form of a quadratic form.

(12) In medicine, a resemblance between the external character of a disease and those of some physical agent (obsolete).

1525-1535: From the Old & Middle French signature, from the Medieval Latin signātura, future active periphrastic of the verb signāre (to sign), the construct being signum (sign), + -tura, feminine of -turus, the future active periphrastic suffix.  The first use with a link to English appears to have been as a kind of document defined in Scottish law.  The Medieval Latin signatura, was, in Classical Latin a rescript (the matrix of a seal).  The meaning "one's own name written in one's own hand" is from 1570s, which replaced the early-fifteenth century “sign-manual” in this sense.  The use in musical notation in which composers used "signs placed it the beginning of a staff to indicate the key and rhythm" was noted first in 1806.  Signature began to be used in the generalized sense of "a distinguishing mark of any kind" as early as the 1620s.

Non est factum

Historically, in contract law a signature was binding on the party who signed and obliged the performance of the specific terms of the contract.  Even if someone could prove they signed because of their own misunderstandings or in an act of carelessness even to the point of gross negligence, courts would still usually enforce the contract but a notable exception was the doctrine of non est factum.  Translated literally from the Latin as "it is not my deed", it’s available as a defense where a person has been induced to sign something in circumstances where the contents of what was signed differ fundamentally from what the person was led to believe.  Where a plea is upheld, the court can set aside the contract (void ab initio).  Special circumstances must exist for the defense to succeed: it does not cover a claim where someone either misunderstood or failed to read the terms and conditions.

An octuple of Lindsay Lohan signatures on Lohanic merchandise. 

It’s novel in that it differs from other aspects of contract law such as the provisions which permit judges to strike-out particular clauses or even entire contracts if their enforcement is held to be “unconscionable”.  Non est factum is available even where terms and conditions can be reasonable such as the sale of a property for fair value; it hinges instead on the state of mind of the signee and the circumstances under which a signature was induced.  Typically, courts are most sympathetic to “innocent victims”, those who through no fault of their own (those illiterate, deaf, blind or suffering some other relevant incapacity) could not understand the document they were signing and relied upon another for advice.  Such is the reverence in contract law for the sanctity of the signature, a heavy evidential onus of proof is laid upon a claimant for non est factum to succeed; it’s a rare and exceptional defense.

The signature dish

Noted chefs and great restaurants often have signature dishes, not necessarily unique to them but something with which they’re famously associated.  Countries and regions also have signature dishes, sometimes advertised and promoted and sometimes just a link which develops over time.  There can even be disputes if the origin of something is thought a source of pride; there are factions in both Australia and New Zealand which lay claim to the pavlova. 

Minnesota Hotdish.

Despite the name, the concept of the Minnesota’s signature hotdish didn’t originate there and, with variations, is popular across the Upper Midwest region of the United States.  As a dish, such is the simplicity in preparation and adaptability in content that something recognizably close has probably been a feature of human cuisine for as long as the technical means of production has been available.  Anything of the hotdish type contains usually a starch, a meat, canned or frozen vegetables with canned soup as the binding agent; cooked in the one flat dish, it’s served heated.  The distinguishing characteristic of the classic Minnesota hotdish is the use of mushroom soup but beyond that, there’s much variation, inventiveness encouraged by the many hotdish completions in the region.  As well as the traditional beef base, tuna, turkey and chicken are used, pasta is often replaced by rice or potatoes and vegetarian versions have appeared.  The critical aspect seems to be the texture, while a Minnesota hotdish won’t entirely maintain the shape when sliced, it should have sufficient integrity for the potatoes or breadcrumbs to stay atop and not sink into the mix.

Hubert Humphrey, Cardinal Terence Cooke (1921–1983; Archbishop of New York 1968-1983) President Lyndon Johnson (LBJ, 1908–1973; US president 1963-1969) & Richard Nixon, twenty-third Alfred E Smith dinner, New York, 16 October 1968.  Cardinal Cooke was a less controversial figure than his predecessor (Cardinal Francis Spellman (1889–1967; prelate of the US Catholic Church & Archbishop of New York 1939-1967)).

Hubert Horatio Humphrey (1911–1978) served as a senator for Minnesota (1949-1964 & 1971-1978) and as US vice president (1965-1969).  He was the Democrat Party’s nominee for president in 1968, his candidature something of a rush-job after LBJ's abrupt decision not to seek re-election.  As part of the 1968 campaign, his wife’s Minnesota hotdish recipe was published, unusual today in that it didn’t include the potato gems which usually now sit atop the concoction.  Mrs Humphrey’s culinary campaign contribution wasn’t decisive, her husband, although running Republican Richard Nixon (1913-1994; US president 1969-1974) close in the popular vote (Nixon (31,783,783 votes; 43.4%), Humphrey (31,271,839; 42.7%)), lost the electoral college (Nixon, 32 states & 301 votes, Humphrey 13 states & 191 votes).

Mrs Humphrey’s Ingredients

4 tablespoons shortening
2 green bell peppers, sliced
1 medium onion, chopped
1 lb (500 g) ground beef
1½ half teaspoons salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
2 eggs
2 cups whole kernel corn
4 medium tomatoes, sliced
½ cup dry bread crumbs

Mrs Humphrey’s Instructions

(1) Put shortening in skillet; lightly fry green peppers, onion and ground beef for 3 minutes or until partially done. Salt and pepper. Remove from heat; stir in eggs and mix well.

(2) Place 1 cup corn in casserole. Top with layer of meat mixture and layer of sliced tomatoes.

(3) Repeat until corn, meat mixture and tomatoes are used.

(4) Cover casserole with crumbs. Dot with bits of butter.

(5) Bake at 375º F (190º C) for 1 hour or until heated thoroughly.

It can be finished in a grill to add something to the cheese.  Serve with a side salad and rolls.

Hitler's signature

Becoming tremulous: Hitler’s signature: 1933-1945.

Between 1943-1945, Adolf Hitler's (1889-1945; Führer (leader) and German head of government 1933-1945 & head of state 1934-1945) handwriting suffered and, towards the end, it took some effort even to etch his name, a process which happened in conjunction with a physical decline noted in many contemporary accounts.  The reason for this deterioration has been discussed by doctors, historians and popular authors, most recently in 2015 by Norman Ohler (b 1970) in Der totale RauschDrogen im Dritten Reich (The Total Rush: Drugs in the Third Reich), published in English in 2017 as Blitzed: Drugs in Nazi Germany (Penguin, ISBN: 9780141983165).  Blitzed is a study of the use of methamphetamine stimulants in German society, the military and Hitler himself during the Nazi years with a focus especially on the relationship between the Führer and his personal physician, Dr Theodor Morell (1886–1948) who prescribed and administered a variety of drugs and vitamins between 1936-1945.  It’s the use of opioids and psychoactive drugs that is of most interest.

A best seller, Ohler wrote a lively work in a jaunty style which made his book readable but did attract criticism from the academic and professional historians never happy with journalistic trespassing on their carefully trimmed turf.  While there’s always sensitivity to authors injecting elements of humour and pop-culture references into anything about Hitler and the Third Reich, these essentially stylistic objections matter less than the substantive concerns about presenting as proven fact inferences drawn from incomplete or inconclusive sources.  That critique of scholarship should be noted but Blitzed needs to be read as just another text interpreting the documents of the era and in that, if read in conjunction with other accounts of the time, Ohler’s thesis is in places compelling while sometimes contradicted by multiple other sources.  The argument that the drugs had no effect Hitler’s decline and increasingly erratic behavior were due to stress and the onset of Parkinson’s disease is as dogmatic a position as many accuse Ohler of taking.  There are interesting aspects in the accounts from 1943-1945: the unexpected way Hitler’s physical tremors briefly vanished in the aftermath of the explosion during the assassination attempt in July 1944 and the various clandestine analysis of Morell’s preparations, some of which revealed a strong opioid and some harmless concoctions with barely a pharmacological effect.  While clearly not a conventional work of history, Blitzed seems a valuable contribution.

Patient & doctor: Hitler and Dr Morell.

The fault in Blitzed is probably that habitual journalistic tendency to exaggeration.  That stimulants were widely available and demonstratively popular in Germany doesn’t mean the entire workforce, every hausfrau and all servicemen in the Wehrmacht were habitual or even occasional users of amphetamines although, given the documentary evidence and the observational accounts of behavior, the case for Hitler’s addictions (or at least dependence) is stronger.  Critics felt also compelled to run the usual objection to anything which could be constructed as some sort of exculpatory argument; the idea that being stupefied by psychoactive drugs could somehow absolve individual or collective guilt.  Among those who lived the Nazi experience, long has been established the guilt to one degree or another of the many and the innocence of a few.  That said, there seems little doubt the rapidity of the Wehrmacht's advances in 1939-1941 were at least partially attributable to the soldiers being supplied amphetamines which enabled a heightened level of alertness and performance for sometimes thirty hours without need for sleep.  It was a most effective force multiplier.  Other factors, notably (1) the revolutionary approach to deploying tanks as armored spearheads, (2) the used of dive-bombers, (3) the ineptness of the Allied response and (4) luck were more significance but the speed did make a contribution.