Thursday, March 12, 2020


Lilohan (pronounced lie-low-han)

A dialectal variant of English.

2016: The construct was Li(ndsay) + Lohan.  Lilohan is a non-geographically specific dialect of English, the name a contraction derived from that of its creator, Lindsay Lohan.  It appears to use a conventional US English vocabulary but is delivered, with an occasionally halting delivery, in an accent vaguely Russian or eastern European.  Lilohan is a proper noun (the spelling LiLohan is non-standard).

Lindsay Lohan explained things by saying it was “…a mixture of most of the languages I can understand or am trying to learn”, adding that she’d been “…learning different languages since I was a child.  I'm fluent in English and French can understand Russian and am learning Turkish, Italian and Arabic”. A limited edition LiLohan clothing line was released to welcome the latest addition to Earth's linguistic diversity.  Estimates are somewhat inexact but it's thought there are still some 7000 languages being spoken on Earth but the number is in decline; some extant languages may have but a handful of speakers remaining and neither extensive written records nor any programme to ensure preservation.  Almost half of the languages on Earth are spoken only by a few thousand.  A philanthropic endeavor, part of the proceeds from each LiLohan item sold will benefit Caudwell Children and the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Türkiye (AFAD).  An example of Lilohan being spoken may be heard here and the clothing range is available in black and white in a range of sizes: Tank tops and T-shirts are US$24.99; sweatshirts US$39.99.

Lindsay Lohan with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (b 1954; prime-minister or president of the Republic of Türkiye since 2003), First Lady Emine Erdoğan B 1955) and Syrian refugee, the prolific tweeter Bana Al-Abed (b 2009), Presidential Palace, Ankara, Türkiye, 27 January 2017.

The AFAD (Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı), created in 2009, is the government’s central agency for emergency management and civil protection.  The AFAD conducts pre-incident work, such as preparedness, mitigation and risk management, during-incident work such as response, and post-incident work such as recovery and reconstruction.  The AFAD is under the auspices of the Ministry of Interior and coordinates the activities of NGOs with private and governmental agencies.  It additionally formulates and implements policies and in a disaster or emergency, is the state’s sole responsible organization.

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